
Intro Article!

What we are doing here

By Alexandra Lovejoy June 26, 2020

Well here we go!

Welcome to the new Macaroni Kid Burlington! I am Alex, your local Macaroni Mom Publisher. 

For those new to Macaroni Kid here is the 411, we are here to make your lives as parents easier. Yup, you read that right! My job is to find engaging, fun, super interesting family fun in the Burlington area. With summer up and running and COVID-19 altering everyone's plans right and left, my goal is to bring to you fun things to do in person AND virtual. I am talking concerts, parent's night out (or in!), classes, hiking, art, you name it, I am on the lookout for it. This brings me to my first point. If you or anyone you know has a business that families can benefit from in the area LET ME KNOW! Not only do I want to get the word out to parents about your fabulous product or events, I also want to support local. We are all in this together, so let me help families find you!

Second, if you have found a hidden gem in the Burlington area that you think other families would love, a hiking spot, great quiet beach, a cool ice cream shop let me know that too. That is really what I want to get out there. These hidden gems that shouldn't stay hidden! 

Finally, I love food. I will be trying to post EASY recipes  for those of us who have maybe 30 minutes to put together a delicious, nutritious, family dinner. When working full time I DREAD cooking dinner. I have a solid 30 minutes to put together some delectable meal and you know what, it's hard. I have found some proven winners in my house and I want to share them with you!

Who knows, maybe I will get a little crafty and throw some kid's art idea's out there too. We will see!

Burlington Vermont, let's get this Macaroni Party started! 

Your publisher,

Alexandra Lovejoy